Stylist’s client notices suspicious bruises


amy dickinson

Dear Amy: I have been going to a hair stylist for three years. She is a delightful young woman with a 4-year-old son and a live-in partner.

The first time I met her, she had severe bruises on her face, and explained that she was hit by a ball during a softball game. I believed her.

In December last year, she again had facial bruises and said she had tripped over her little boy.

At my next appointment, she had facial bruises once more, with another explanation about falling over her son.

I have never noticed scrapes or bruises on her hands (had she tried to break her fall). She never goes to the doctor for treatment.

I’m worried that something else is going on: domestic violence or alcohol abuse?

I have no evidence beyond my suspicions, and wonder if I should ask more? If so, what do I say? If her stories are true, I will embarrass her greatly and that’s not my intention. What would you advise?

— Concerned Client

Dear Concerned: The next time you are in, you could leave a note, along with your tip. Say, “I’ve been worried about some of the injuries you’ve sustained that we’ve discussed during my time with you. If someone is hurting you, there is help. You can contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at, or text the Crisis Text Line at 741-741.”

Dear Amy: My wife and I were fortunate enough to get married in Tuscany two years ago. We had a small guest list of immediate family and our closest friends.

Neither of us have been married before.


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