Woman wonders how to meet agreeable men

Last Updated on June 20, 2023 by Admin


amy dickinson

Dear Readers: Like you, I’m often curious about what happens to the advice I offer once it leaves my desk, and so I’ve asked readers to send in “updates” to let all of us know how my advice was received, if it was followed, and how things turned out.

The responses have flowed in, and I’m interested and often gratified to learn what impact this experience has had on readers.

This year I celebrate my 20th year of writing this column. Publishing these updates reminds me that we have been through a lot over these past decades. Some of these updates read like postcards from old friends, and I’m happy to share them.

To refresh all of our memories, I’m running the original Q&A, followed by the update.

Dear Amy: I am a divorced 52-year-old woman who is experiencing a disturbing situation. Men I meet for possible relationships have what I describe as argumentative personalities.

They are never agreeable with any topics that come up in conversation.

The topics range from personal decisions to politics to differences between men and women. These men come across as misogynistic, condescending, critical of everything around them, yet they see themselves as decent normal good guys who know how to treat women. They couldn’t be more wrong.

They often present topics that are inflammatory and then say women can’t handle the conversations because we are too caught up in our feelings.

I don’t entertain these men for long, but I meet man after man after man that have these same personalities.

Just what has happened to the art of decent conversation?

After talking to these men for a short period of time the focus turns away from seeking companionship to sparring partners. I don’t understand it and it is very frustrating. Amy, just what is this phenomenon?


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