The 6 Pillars of Digital Marketing for Banks & Credit Unions

Everyone is concerned about the changing economy. As banks and credit unions rethink their marketing strategies, focusing on the core areas of digital marketing will be helpful. If you are interested in Digital Marketing too, do check out these online courses for digital marketing


To build their brand and digital marketing, banks and credit unions need six basic pillars. 

SEO improves the quality of organic traffic from search engines to your website and web pages. A solid SEO strategy is essential for banks and credit unions because it helps customers find, learn about, invest in, and spread information about your products online.


Financial institutions must understand and improve their “E-A-T” – expertise, authority, and credibility – to ensure strong SEO. 

  • Strategic Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is concerned with driving traffic to your website through paid advertisements. Since 2020, search ad spending has risen dramatically. Banks and credit unions invest in search visibility to ensure that they appear in front of potential customers.


 This has to be done regularly as they strive to appear in search and gain traffic against their competitors. This will help with seamless search based on deep audience insights that speak directly to changing customer preferences for financial products and services.

  • Website User Interface Acceleration

A customer drawn to your website by a successful advertisement is eager to learn more about your products and services. What will they discover? The user experience (UX) of your website has a direct impact on what customers think about your brand and also what they buy or don’t buy. A seamless customer experience includes excellent UX across all digital and physical touchpoints.

  • Organic Social Media Optimization

Your brand can drive relevant, engaging, and entertaining social conversations that establish your brand as a leading social voice through effective strategy and content. Data analysis and reporting can inform and anchor your system on what matters to your followers and what’s relevant to your brand, rather than making organic social content decisions based on what you hope will be the latest hype cycle. 


Organic social tools and tactics like social listening and community management provide unique insights into your current and potential customers as they interact with your brand during their purchase journey. 

  • Influencer Marketing 

Ensure a higher ROI for influencers by transitioning from testing the waters to scaling this critical marketing channel. Consider a multi-tiered strategy with two key components.

To begin, employ an “always-on” brand ambassador strategy to deliver brand messages consistently to increase and maintain your share of voice in social ecosystems. Then, as part of your media and marketing mix for these initiatives, use episodic and more extensive influencer campaigns to support essential brand and product initiatives and seasonal cues.


To maximize program reach, engagement, and traffic – achieving key performance indicators (KPIs) and more significant ROI on influencers – all influencer marketing efforts must be augmented by paid media support running from influencer accounts.

The paid efforts of financial institutions rely on high-quality content and effective ad spending across media and social channels. Differentiate yourself from the rest by delivering a compelling message that inspires your audience to take action.


Consider these six pillars a challenge as well as a checklist for ensuring that your brand appears on the right channel, at the right time, and with the right message for every customer, every time.