SQM Club Facts & Benefits 2023 | Join Club Now

A lot of people are wondering about SQM Club and if you’re one of them it’s important that you know what it does, how it works, and what its goals are, especially if you are planning to join as a member. 

We know you want information and are just trying to have an overview about everything that they’re offering, which is why in this blog, we are going to do that so you or anyone that’s trying to become a member of that club can have a proper overview on what they’re doing etc. 

Below, we have listed down all the information that a person needs to know when they’re doing research about this website, which is a non-profit organization! 

Why Was The Club Formed? 

So basically, in 1954 this group was formed by William H Bonney and David File in order to preserve the Squak Valley for the coming generations. Basically, this club helps its members to measure the specific CO2 emissions property in order to allow them to get a better price even if they are busy with the things that they are doing on a day to day basis. 

This club is currently a global organization that was formed in order to make the environment better. The services that they offer help out a lot in reducing carbon emissions so that the generations that are going to come in the future can enjoy the true beauty of our planet. 

The creators of this club know that no one really cares about the environment and there are multiple companies, factories and organizations across the globe that are just making everything worse, but this club will do its part to find a solution. 

What Are They Offering? 

The club basically helps out its members to trace the amount of H20 and the footprint that they are leaving. The tools that they’re offering help them out in generating accurate results and their online platform has a web based calculator, which can allow them to accurately track their CO2 emissions. 

Along with the tools that they are offering, the club also provides tips to their club members. With those, all their members can get a better understanding on how they could save the planet while doing their work, carrying out home routines, studying and many more things. 

In short, all their services are aimed towards saving this planet as thousands of companies across the globe are just destroying the planet. 


What’s The Purpose Of The SQM Club? 

The main goal of the club is to protect the environment, offer scientific studies to the right people and to educate their subscribers. Since the year they were formed, they have been offering their services so they can preserve the environment and to protect the natural resources of our planet so the people of the future can thrive and live. 

Thanks to the club, thousands of acres of land have been preserved or saved, and their actions along with the information has brought a lot of change in controlling pollution. Also, they have helped in solving developmental issues into a state park. 

They are also in tough with multiple companies to reduce their carbon footprint. Their main goal is to allow companies from all over the world to  do their job in reducing their carbon footprint so they too can do their part in preserving land and in keeping nature in its peak form so that the people of the future can benefit from our efforts. 

What Do Their Members Do? 

Basically, there are more than 1000 members that are working for the SQM club, and their main goal is to keep the environment in peek form, which is why they are constantly working towards making things better. They improve the efficiency of the fleet and ensure that the carbon footprint is reduced, not only that but they also have a CO2 calculator, which allows people from all over the world to know what they’re doing and how their work is affecting the environment. The calculator that they have developed has been approved for testing stations in the United Kingdom. Their calculator can measure the fuel economy of the vehicle that’s being used when in times of tests. 

Another thing is that the members of the club work closely with NATS, which allows them to make better financial savings. Not only that, but the tools that the members get once they subscribe and register allows inspectors to measure the fuel economy properly when tests for vehicles are carried out. The tool that they have created allows members to measure the power of cars and how they’re contributing to the air pollution in the United Kingdom. 

The Benefits Of Becoming A Member

Here are some of the many benefits that you will be getting if you become a member of the club: 

  • You get to measure CO2 emissions
  • Compare your CO2 emissions with other members of the club
  • Get monthly reports of the CO2 emissions 
  • Report and analyze your contribution in reducing the CO2 emissions 
  • The reports allow students, workers and other people to reduce their carbon emissions 
  • Invitations are constantly sent out to the members
  • Frequent updates regarding how to reduce carbon emissions 

Please do keep in mind that these are just some of the many things that you will be getting if you become a member of the club. 

How Can The Club Help You Out?

If you are planning to become a member of this club but are wondering how it could help you out, they can basically give you tools and information that can allow you and your family to reduce your carbon footprint. Not only that, but this club also allows you to track both direct and indirect carbon emissions, said their official platform. 

How Does SQM Club Measure Carbon Footprint?

So basically, the carbon footprint is the total number of CO2 that is produced through multiple activities, which includes driving a vehicle such as cars, trucks, SUV and many more along with flying on a plane or running activities inside a house. With the help of the calculator that they have created, you can easily do the calculations and see how much you have done throughout the year to leave a carbon footprint. Once the calculations have been made, they can start offering solutions on how you can reduce your carbon footprint, which can allow you to make the environment better and do your job to save planet earth so the people that will come after us can benefit the most. 


In conclusion, the SQM Club has 1000 members across the globe that helps people in reducing their carbon footprint. This one basically helps people to calculate how much waste they’re producing and what they could do in order to reduce the waste. So if you’re trying to do that too, this website is a good thing to go with to help save the world. 

Are you planning to become a member of the SQM Club? Let us know if you are by leaving a comment in the comments section below so we can guide you into making the right decision!