Estranged daughter still yearns for her father
Dear Amy: My daughter is 36 years old.
Her father and I divorced when she was a toddler. He had all the visitation he wanted, and (reluctantly) paid child support.
When she was 16, he stopped seeing her because she got her driver’s license and he said that she could drive to see him instead of him driving to see her.
He lived about 40 minutes away.
She had a job and was still in high school, so she didn’t drive there.
Consequently, her father stopped calling her. She has sent him birthday and Christmas cards, which came back unopened.
She has two sons now, and pictures she sent to him came back unopened.
A few years ago, she called him to say Happy Easter and he made a few grunting noises into the phone and said that he didn’t have a daughter.
Of course, she was very hurt and tearful.
She’s still trying to get a positive response out of him.
I told her to forget it and to move on.