Death threats to Trump and his son are as un-American as you can get
Threats are un-American acts
Re: “Woman arrested on charges of emailing threats to shoot Trump and his son,” Aug. 22 news story
It is appalling to me that people who call themselves American will send death threats to their fellow Americans because of their political views.
People who will do that are definitely not patriotic Americans. They do not understand the meaning of the word and are unworthy of the name. They don’t know the history and the principles of our founding.
James T Watson, Highlands Ranch
Spreading dangerous advice
If this 82-year-old had taken the advice of a certain Colorado congresswoman, most likely I would not be alive to write this as hard as it is to see and write this letter. Telling folks not to get vaccinated or use masks kills — one way to get away with murder, in my opinion.
I managed recently to run a 5K race in Evergreen. We had one friend fly in to run from out of state. It was wonderful to see her again and we carpooled to the race. She was fine during the race but felt bad that afternoon, which she attributed to the altitude. But later on that night, she felt worse and went to emergency room. Bottom line, she tested positive for COVID. She didn’t want to wait five days to fly home so her father drove to Denver to take her home.
She felt pretty awful and at a break stop in Nebraska, a man started yelling and swearing at her because she was wearing a mask. There are a lot of nice people in the world but also some very bad and mean ones. Please be nice.
Thank heaven for vaccines.
Wayne Wathen, Highlands Ranch
Lobbying against gun safety and common sense
Re: “Attacks show health care is violent place for workers,” “Illinois to ban advertising for guns allegedly marketed to kids, militants,” and “Judge halts age limit on gun sales,” Aug. 8 news stories
One article is about the wave of gun violence sweeping through U.S. hospitals and medical centers. Another is, in part, about outlawing advertising that produces a public safety threat or appeals to children, militants or others who might use the weapons illegally and the gun rights advocates in opposition to the ban. And another article is about the Rocky Mountain Gun Owners’ lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of a new Colorado law restricting gun purchases to people 21 and older.
In each instance, when a governing body creates common sense laws to stop gun violence, such as the attacks at hospitals and medical centers, there is a network of gun groups opposing such laws. The rise of gun violence in America parallels the ascendancy of the gun industry. The gun lobby is a powerful industry whose products place the general population at risk and is insensitive to the damage it does to people’s lives. It is in denial and completely ignores the public safety aspect of firearms.
Since the Heller opinion in 2008 and the reinvention of the Second Amendment, what we have and what has evolved in America is constitutionally protected gun violence. The Constitution should protect life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, not gun violence. Guns should not be the priority. The priority should be public safety and people’s lives.
Leonard Juliano, Arvada
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