Stress or daily routine? How to adapt to all conditions

Last Updated on September 5, 2022 by Andrew

A routine can be obsessive and inflexible. It makes a person unswerving in sticking to their routine. If anything interferes with it, it causes high levels of stress for them.

Did you wake up and feel like you don’t have any energy at all?

There are different factors that can affect your energy levels.

Stress and Anxiety

If you have a lot on your mind. Stress and anxiety are major factors of low energy levels. If you have consistent worries and concerns, you will be withdrawn and this will definitely affect your general energy levels.


If you are not eating a balanced diet. Research shows that sugar boosts energy levels but unfortunately glucose or any other sugar will leave you feeling lazy and exhausted.


It may seem like an insignificant factor but you will be surprised what major part it plays. There are a number of hormones that will determine how energized or how dull you will be and it all begins in your hypothalamus and pituitary.


Less sleep causes low energy, difficulty concentrating, and a negative mood. Research shows that eight hours long of deep sleep will help boost your energy.


Approximately 80% of a human’s body is water. This proves that water plays a big role. If someone is feeling a bit weak, it might be an effect of dehydration. Dehydration causes fatigue and headaches which will hinder a person from functioning normally.


How to turn stressful routines into productive and busy days.

Make a precise plan for the day.

Not having a plan can bring too much stress and make someone not productive. Writing down a plan can help ease the day;

Knowing your day’s schedule. This will help you know what is expected of you at all times. It is also time-saving.

Prioritize the important tasks to the less important ones. Once you complete a task, you should note down that it is completed. This will help in keeping track of your progress.

Find time for breaks. Going for a short walk or eating a snack during your break will help in re-energizing your energy levels and renewing your focus.

Combine useful daily quests with enjoyable ones.

If you find a way of doing an important task in a fun way, it becomes easy and less stressful to do it. One may even get themselves anticipating the tasks. For example, exercise could sound stressful though it is crucial for our general health. Choosing which exercises you enjoy will change your mindset to a positive one. You have to choose what exercises you enjoy the most for you to sustain your exercise routine.

Reward yourself after finishing every small routine.

Rewarding yourself will help in boosting your motivation to work. Here are some ways you can reward yourself;

  1. Take a long bath.
  2. Read a novel.
  3. Playing with a child is a good distraction.
  4. Take a trip to your favorite place.
  5. Go shopping.
  6. Listen to your favorite music playlist.

After your success in overcoming stress and finding pleasure in daily responsibilities you may notice some changes in your mind and body:

Deep sleep

When your stress levels are low, you will notice an improvement in your sleeping habits. Less stress makes your body muscles and your mind relax. This makes it easier to fall asleep. A good night’s sleep will increase your energy levels when you wake up. This in turn makes performing your daily tasks easier.

Good skin

Less stress means healthy skin. Stress causes negative effects on the hgh production and immune system’s normal function. If your immunity is weakened, it causes a bacterial imbalance which makes your skin prone to rashes. Acne is the most common effect of having too much stress. Your body will produce the cortisol hormone which causes the hypothalamus to produce the corticotrophin-releasing hormone. CRH stimulates your sebaceous glands and triggers oil release. Excessive production of oil blocks your pores and leads to acne.

Strength and energy

Stressed emotions consume a lot of energy. If you reduce your stress levels you will have more strength and energy to perform your daily tasks.

Good health

Low-stress levels have been proven to improve the overall health of people. Stress releases adrenaline hormones that increase your blood pressure. Also, when under stress, the body produces hormones that cause blood glucose levels to increase which can be dangerous to people with diabetes. Therefore, reducing your stress levels could lower your blood pressure.

Hormone balance

One big cause of hormonal imbalance is stress. High-stress levels cause the cortisol hormone to be released which triggers a lot of threat responses causing hormonal imbalance. Controlling your stress levels will reduce the release of the cortisol hormone.

A will to work

Stress is both physical and mental. People who are stressed are always withdrawn, lose confidence, and may feel overwhelmed. It is difficult for them to perform their tasks. Reducing stress levels changes a person’s mindset and gives them confidence in themselves. They are able to work better and have a will to work.

Stress has been proven to affect a person’s both mental and physical health which makes them unproductive. It has also been linked with suicidal cases where most of its victims have been found with high-stress levels. Creating awareness among people and giving solutions to dealing with stress will help us save a community of both young and old people.

Andrew is a passionate blogger who loves to write about fashion, health business etc. I shares insights, ideas, and stories to inspire our readers.