CU’s Deion Sanders killed Pac-12 without playing single game in conference


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These huge television contracts have ruined college football. And I blame the SEC. It’s pure trash. I loved the old Big Eight Conference, when the Buffs, Nebraska and Oklahoma would trade blows with each other.

— Adrian, Denver

Kiz: Incredible arrogance and bad judgment of Pac-12 leadership (here’s looking at you, former commissioner Larry Scott), pushed the Conference of Champions from glory to extinction in a period of 10 years. But in the end, was it new CU coach Deion Sanders that struck the death blow? His arrival in Boulder made the Buffs a brand the Big 12 coveted. Once the Buffs bolted, it was all over but the rats jumping ship as the Pac-12 slowly sank into the ocean.

My romantic views of college football and student athletics died long ago. These kids are basically pros. Nothing surprises me anymore. I support CU and let myself get fooled for a few hours on football Saturdays in the fall. Otherwise, I know what the deal is.

— Ramon, jilted football-lover

Kiz: I empathize with your confusion. Heck, the knuckleheads here at Kickin’ It Headquarters can’t find West Virginia on on a map, let alone understand why it makes sense for the Buffs to make road trips to Morgantown to play football. I don’t know about you. But I miss the Huskers.

You bemoan the trashing of tradition? It’s called change. The only part of life that is guaranteed. It’s fun! It’s exciting. And Nebraska? Do I miss having the Cornhuskers in the same conference as CU? What do the Huskers have to do with any of this?

— Ande, forward thinker

Kiz: You’re correct on one important point. The once-mighty Huskers are now pawns in this big-money game. The big player out there is Notre Dame. This insansity will continue until the Irish decide to join a league.

The Big 12, Big Ten and SEC have too many schools! The Pac-12, a 100-plus year old conference, with many prestigious schools (including Cal and Stanford), was cast aside like junk! There’s nothing sacred, no honor, no tradition. Just greed!

— Warren, Henderson, Nev.


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