Ask Amy: Sister ponders going “no-contact”

Last Updated on June 15, 2023 by Admin


amy dickinson

Dear Amy: I am the youngest of three sisters and have always had a rough relationship with my mom and sisters.

I don’t fit in. They are all about drama.

Recently, I received a call from my dad, asking me to visit.

I was so stressed out the night before that I didn’t sleep. That morning, I almost threw up from so much anxiety about it. I never know what I’ll say that will set one of them off. Then the others follow suit.

I can’t ask them questions. Anything I do say gets used against me.

I have tried to give them a taste of their own medicine, but that only seems to increase the bullying.

I want them in my life because they are my parents and sisters, but I don’t want to walk on eggshells around them.

We have gone two years without talking before, and recently we went over a year with no contact.

The times I didn’t have them in my life were amazing. My relationship with my husband flourished. I wasn’t stressed. My daughters did well because I was happy enough to make sure they thrived.

I don’t know how to go about explaining this to them in a manner that doesn’t set them off, but I just don’t want them in my life.

Do I need to explain why, or do I just flat-out go no-contact?


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