A hurting young girl is in need of a good book
Dear Amy: My 8-year-old niece is having trouble coping with and sorting out her feelings.
She is confused by her mother’s abandonment of the family home and by her mother’s very erratic behavior.
One moment, her mother makes scenes over her two children not loving her, and then the next moment she is sending them out of the house on their own in a strange town while she spends time with her boyfriend (four boyfriends so far since the marriage breakup a year ago).
Mom blames everybody (including her children) for not loving and respecting her.
In spite of this, my niece desperately wants her parents to come together again.
She has lost her self-confidence and blames herself for any failure or frustration.
She is very bright, but her schoolwork is suffering.
My sister and brother-in-law (and the girl’s father) would like appropriate books to read to her.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
— Retired University Librarian
Dear Librarian: A great source for recommendations is your child’s local public or school librarian, but I also have some ideas.
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