6 Reasons why pirates are the true heroes of the internet
Intro: The internet is a vast and wonderful place, full of great content just waiting to be discovered. But with so much to choose from, it can be challenging to know where to start. If you’re looking for some truly great material, you should check out the world of torrents. Piracy may have a negative connotation attached to it, but pirates are the true heroes of the internet. Here are six reasons why:
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1. They’re incredibly generous:
The movie and music industries have done a great job of giving piracy a lousy name, but the truth is that people who illegally download media are some of the most generous people on earth. According to a 2012 study by Reconnix, file-sharers purchase 30% more music than their non-sharing counterparts.
They also spend more money on concert tickets, and they tend to buy more merchandise from their favorite bands. File-sharers aren’t hurting the people they love; they’re encouraging them. Most torrent users are happy to share their favorite content with others. It makes for an incredibly sharing community, one that is always willing to help others find what they’re looking for. Visit thepirateproxybay.com to explore the variety and vast library present at this torrent site.
2. They’re passionate about their hobbies:
Piracy requires a lot of passion. After all, you’re not going to spend your time searching for free movies if it isn’t something that you care about. Instead of buying the latest albums and watching hit movies when they come out in theaters, pirates are building massive libraries full of content that they genuinely love. By doing this, they’re prioritizing their interests over monetary gains. Some enjoy having a collection of music or television shows accessed from any device. In contrast, others use them to get their hands on obscure media available in their country via traditional means. Whatever the case may be, torrent users are passionate about what they like and will go to great lengths to discover more of it.
3. They’re tech-savvy:
For an excellent torrent client to function, the user has to understand how it works on some level. You can’t just download torrents from anywhere; they must be hosted online, which requires knowledge of servers and whatnot. These users may not all have degrees in computer science, but they know enough to get the job done. Technology rushes, and pirates are often the first to try new products and services. Now it’s almost impossible to find digital content that hasn’t been illegally shared through torrents in some way or another. Pirates are great at figuring out what people like and communicating it. They find and share things that wouldn’t be available otherwise, and without them, we may never have known about some of our favorite TV shows and movies.
4. They want the best product available:
Since blockbusters are so popular, there’s no need for pirates to do much digging to find good copies of them. But if someone wants something obscure, it might be difficult or impossible to find unless you know where to look. Torrent sites include year and bitrate information in their descriptions, so customers can be sure that the torrent they choose will give them exactly what they want. They even offer customer reviews to make it easy to find top-quality products. Pirates embrace the free market system by flooding the internet with options for everyone. Sometimes, the torrent is faster than anything else out there (bonus points if your audience works in IT). Pirates are pretty helpful, even though they’re often portrayed as bad guys.
5. They give you access to great content:
To make a living as an artist, you need people to purchase your material. In the past, this meant having a recording studio and distribution company behind you. But today all you need is a computer. Anyone can share their music or movies with the world – no bosses necessary – which means that if enough people buy what they create, they can profit from their art. A whole world of entertainment is just waiting for you on sites like The Pirate Bay. But with so many great titles to choose from, it can be hard to know where to start. Torrents have changed everything by making it easier for you to find the content you love. Pirates are happy to share with everyone, but they want to be recognized for their work!
6. They’re promoting artists:
Sure, some torrent users will pirate an album and never listen to it. But many will download music they like and support the artists through concerts, t-shirts, hats, etc. If you want what you download, try keeping your favorite artists by attending their shows or buying an album (legally) with the artist’s consent. They’re giving everyone a chance at popular culture. To get paid, artists need to be able to prove that they can move units. One of the best ways for artists to do this is through TV appearances and radio play. But unless you live in a major city where it’s easy to get your music heard, you’ll have a hard time getting booked on these shows. If you want more artists you love, pirate their material and buy physical copies in person so that artists can afford TV appearances and air time on public radio.
If you’re looking for some great content to watch or listen to, you should check out the torrent sites. Piracy may have a negative connotation attached to it, but pirates are the true heroes of the internet. They provide easy access to fantastic material that would otherwise be difficult to find. So next time you’re looking for something new to enjoy, don’t forget about torrents!