5 Tips on How to Capture Professional Quality Screen Recordings

Last Updated on June 27, 2022 by Andrew

Screen recording is a common feature in most modern operating systems and other software programs. It’s used in everything from educational applications (for example, when teaching users how to use new software or functions) to gaming (in order to create Let’s Play videos for websites like YouTube). 

Users can use screen recording software for a wide range of purposes: from creating tutorial videos and Walkthroughs for friends and family members to adding live commentary and reactions to gameplay streams on streaming sites such as Twitch. With the right tools and techniques, you will know how to clip on PC and capture professional-quality recordings of your computer screen with ease. 

Know your tools

One of the first things you want to do before even attempting to record your screen is to know what platform or software you want to use. You also want to know which operating system you are using, because some screen recorder software will only be compatible with a certain OS. Keep in mind that you can also use an external webcam for your recording—it all depends on what your needs are. 

Record from your webcam

If you are going to be recording yourself while you are sitting at your computer, it is recommended that you use your webcam to record, as opposed to recording directly from your computer screen. This way, you can record at full resolution and use a high-quality webcam to record your face. 

You can then use the recording you made with your webcam as the source video for a screen recording that you will do on your computer screen. This will allow you to record at much higher resolutions and frame rates than what you can get from recording your screen directly.

Establish a lighting routine

If you are recording yourself through a screen recorder while sitting at your computer, you’ll want to make sure that you create a well-lit recording space. A brightly-lit room, or even a well-lit computer screen, can create glare, making it difficult for your viewers to see your face clearly. You can prevent this from happening by installing a light grid above your computer screen or a light box behind you where you sit. The light grid will help to create a soft, even, shadow-free light that doesn’t create glare. Alternatively, you can also use a homemade light box.

Don’t forget the sound

If you are planning to record your screen by using a screen recorder, make sure that you record the audio from your computer as well. You can either use the audio of your computer’s built-in microphone or you can use a headset with a microphone. If you are recording in a space with a lot of background noise (for example, if you are gaming in a room with a TV blaring in the background), you can use noise-canceling headphones to block out the distractions.

Go live with a mic

If you want to record your screen as a live stream, you’ll want to make sure that you have a microphone of some kind. Most computer microphones are not good enough to be streamed live. Instead, you can use a USB microphone that will give you better audio than a built-in microphone. You can also use a headset with a microphone.


Screen recording is an essential skill for anyone looking to get into creating content online. When done correctly, it can be used to share your knowledge, comment on a particular topic, or showcase your skills in any number of creative ways. With the best screen recorder for PC, you can capture professional-quality recordings of your computer screen with ease.

Andrew is a passionate blogger who loves to write about fashion, health business etc. I shares insights, ideas, and stories to inspire our readers.