Neighbor’s music problem is amplified on FB


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Dear Amy: Until recently, my neighbor “Ron” and I always got along very well.

Ron works from home, and I am retired.

I enjoy working in my garage, house or yard during the day, usually between 11 and 5 p.m.

While working in the garage, I will listen to music, and sometimes it can be a little loud because of the tools I am using.

Recently Ron posted on Facebook a profanity-laced post about my loud music, saying that it interferes with his job.

Basically, he made me out to be an inconsiderate jerk, which is the farthest thing from the truth.

All he or his wife had to do was to let me know it was an issue, and I would have turned it down, no problem.

When my wife talked to them about the situation, first they denied that they were referring to me, blaming it on the neighbors across the street. (Not true.)

Then they tried to turn it around, blaming my wife for telling me about the FB post.

My wife eventually got a half-hearted apology, which she said should be directed toward me.

They said they would apologize when they saw me. The next day they “unfriended” my wife on Facebook and haven’t spoken to us since.


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