Daily horoscope for July 31, 2023
Moon Alert: Avoid spending money or making important decisions from 10 p.m. to midnight EDT today (7 p.m. to 9 p.m. PDT). After that, the Moon moves from Capricorn into Aquarius.
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Happy Birthday for Monday, July 31, 2023:
You are a keen observer of others and life around you. Your communication skills are superb, and you make insightful observations. This year is the final year of a nine-year cycle for you, which means it’s time to let go of anything or anyone who is holding you back.
(March 21-April 19)
Tread carefully today, because bosses, parents and people in authority might throw you a curveball, especially about money, financial matters, earnings or something you own. Something hidden, behind the scenes might be at play. Keep your eyes open. Tonight: Avoid arguments.
(April 20-May 20)
Travel is unpredictable today. Plans might be changed, canceled or delayed. Conversely, you might suddenly have to travel when you didn’t expect to do so. Feelings of sympathy for a friend or someone in distress might affect you today. Tension with authorities will be building up before tomorrow’s Full Moon. Tonight: Avoid controversy.
(May 21-June 20)
Double-check details with banking, taxes, debt and shared property. Something unexpected could impact these areas. (You snooze, you lose.) Furthermore, an authority figure might be confused about finances. Be clear in everything that matters. Tonight: Check your finances.
(June 21-July 22)
The Moon is your ruler, which means you will feel the buildup before tomorrow’s Full Moon. In particular, it could trigger arguments about shared property, earnings, shared belongings — something like that. Meanwhile, you might meet someone unusual today or someone will surprise you. Tonight: Be patient.
(July 23-Aug. 22)
Something unexpected might affect your health today, a pet or your job. While you’re dealing with this surprise, you also might feel an increased tension building up between you and a partner or close friend. That’s because tomorrow, the Full Moon will be opposite your sign. (Only time all year.) Tonight: Listen.
(Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Social plans are a bit up for grabs today. Something might be canceled. You might get an invitation. This same unpredictable quality will impact sports as well as your kids, so keep your eyes open to avoid accidents. Meanwhile, be patient with co-workers today. Tonight: Cut some slack.
(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Your home routine will change today. Get dressed and stock the fridge. Company might drop by. Something unexpected will occur. It might impact computers, modern art or some kind of technology. Be patient with kids and romantic partners. Tonight: Have patience with family.
(Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Tread carefully when dealing with parents, bosses and authority figures today. You can feel a buildup of tense energy before tomorrow’s Full Moon. The best way to handle this is to be patient with bosses, parents and authority figures. Meanwhile, expect a surprise today. Tonight: Tolerance.
(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Keep an eye on your money and your belongings today. Something unusual might happen. It could be a boon. You might get money or find money. However, you also might lose money or a possession could be damaged or lost. Pay attention to everything you say and do today to avoid accidents. Tonight: Check your money.
(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
You might feel more emotional today because the Moon is in your sign. You might have wonderful, creative ideas. Issues related to romantic partners, sports events or kids might suddenly change or get out of hand. Be alert. (The world needs more lerts.) Tonight: Be reasonable.
(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
This is a restless day for you, because little surprises and things out of the blue will distract you. Furthermore, you might feel some tension building up between you and a spouse, close friend or partner because tomorrow, the Full Moon will be in your sign. Tonight: Solitude.
(Feb. 19-March 20)
A friend or a member of a group will surprise you today. Or you might meet someone new who is a real character. Meanwhile, you will feel a bit restless today or a bit on edge because of the buildup of energy pending tomorrow’s Full Moon. Stay chill. Tonight: Be friendly.
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