Balenzia collaborates with WWF for sock line and awareness drive

Legwear brand Balenzia has collaborated with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) India to launch a collection of socks named ‘Love for Wild’. The men’s and women’s line is designed to harness fashion to support wildlife conservation by raising awareness. 

Balenzia at Comic Con in November 2023 – Balenzia- Facebook

“Partnering with WWF- India, an organization I’ve always held in high regard, marks a milestone for Balenzia,” said Balenzia’s director Rahul Gupta in a press release. “As we continue to expand our collection with more licensed partnerships, this initiative holds a special place. It’s a blend of our passion for design and a deep-seated commitment to wildlife conservation. This collection is crafted to not only be eye-catching but to also spark meaningful dialogue around the pressing need for environmental stewardship. It’s a proud moment for us to see these values woven into our designs.”
The organic cotton collection will launch in time for Valentine’s Day, a traditional gifting festival. The line will be available to shop on Balenzia’s direct to customer e-commerce stores and in its brick and mortar stores across India. 

“We thank Balenzia for joining our cause of conserving wildlife and its habitats,” said WWF- India’s director of marketing and communications Kaveri Jain. “This mission cannot be achieved in isolation and requires the coming together of businesses, policymakers, consumers and civil society. We all play a role. We are excited about this partnership and how it will resonate with all.”

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