What Are Delta 8 Gummies Good For?

Last Updated on August 5, 2022 by Andrew

You might have heard of Delta 8 THC by now. Everyone is raving about it, and how awesome it is, but do you actually know what Delta 8 is? Do you know why it’s so popular?


Delta 8 THC is a THC strain that has all of those psychoactive traits that everyone wants to get their hands on. It has quite a bit in common with the Delta 9 strain. Not many strains have these qualities about them, which is why everyone is loving Delta 8.


Is Delta 8 actually good though? Is the hype overrated? Is it any better than Delta 9 or CBD? Let’s take a look.


Is Delta 8 Legal? 


This is such an important question. Is Delta 8 THC legal? You’re probably thinking that since it’s a strain of THC, that also contains the psychoactive traits, that it’s going to wind up being illegal, just like with marijuana. However, this isn’t true.


Mind boggling, right? Thanks to the Farm Bill that was written and put into law, Delta 8 is actually LEGAL , as long as it’s been made from hemp. Yes, you are 100% reading this correctly. Delta 8 that comes from hemp is JUST as legal as CBD. We live in such beautiful times.


Delta 8 vs. CBD: What’s The Difference?


You might be thinking that since both Delta 8 and CBD are legally produced from hemp, that they’re the same thing. You would be so far from the truth. That’s actually not how it goes.


Yes, they might be sourced from the same plant, BUT they are wildly different from each other. CBD is made from the cannabidiol that’s found in hemp. It doesn’t contain any THC. At most it can contain 0.3% of D9, but that’s not much, which is why it’s legal.


Delta 8 is a strain of THC that comes from hemp, like with CBD. It has all of those psychoactive traits, making it have more in common with marijuana than CBD. CBD doesn’t have any of that. It’s completely different.


The effects of using each of these also varies greatly. They don’t effect you the same. As expected, Delta 8 would create feelings of as if you might have used Delta 9 or marijuana. The traits that the Delta 8 strain creates is milder, but they definitely still pack a punch. 


They are definitely worth the hype, and if anything Delta 8 might be a little underrated by some. Once you give it a try, you’ll find out how amazing that it truly is.


The Different Forms That Delta 8 Comes In 


So, there are actually various forms that you can get Delta 8 in. It’s available as a flower to smoke, muscle rubs, vapes, oils, all sorts of different edible variations, drinks, and so much more. Whatever form you want your Delta 8 in, it’s absolutely available in.


The most common, and most popular form of Delta 8 would be gummies. They’re small things full of awesomeness. Gummies come in many different shapes and strengths. There are also hundreds of different flavors that are available to choose from. The gummies give you the biggest selection to choose from, which is why they’re so popular.


What Are Delta 8 Gummies Good For? 


In case you’re wondering what Delta 8 gummies are good for, or maybe why you should choose it, I’ve put together a list for you. There are a lot of things that Delta 8 is amazing for, such as:


  • It can help to improve your sleep.
  • If you suffer from nausea, this can help to ease your nausea.
  • It can effect your mood by creating feelings of euphoria, relaxation, and calmness.
  • If you suffer from anxiety, it has the potential to help ease your symptoms of anxiety. It can make them feel lessened.


I do want to make it fully clear that I am NOT a doctor, nor do I claim to be. I am NOT making any medical statements. You should ALWAYS talk with your doctor before starting anything new, including Delta 8 gummies. They will be able to give you the best medical advice.


My Top 5 Favorite Brands Of Delta 8 Gummies 

There are hundreds of different brands out there for Delta 8 gummies. Some of them are more amazing than others, which is to be expected. Not all brands are created equally, that’s for sure.

When you’re looking for, and purchasing Delta 8 gummies, you want to make sure that you’re getting the best of the best for your money. You definitely don’t want to wind up wasting your money. There’s no fun in that.

I’ve tried quite a few different brands that are out there of Delta 8 gummies, but there are still a lot more that I haven’t tried yet too. With that being said, here are my top 5 favorite brands for D8 gummies:

  • 1. Hometown Hero
  • 2. Ouachita Farms
  • 3. Mr. Hempflower
  • 4. Hemp Bombs
  • 5. 3 CHI

For me, these are the absolute best brands that I’ve tried so far. Their Delta 8 gummies that they have available get the job done just right.

This isn’t to say that the other brands that are out there aren’t good, because there a lot of amazing brands of Delta 8 gummies. These are just my personal top 5 favorite ones.

Now that you know how amazing these Delta 8 gummies, you can go and do your own investigative research. You will see just truly how game changing Delta 8 is. It’s definitely a level up.


Nothing that has been stated in this article is to be taken as medical advice. I am NOT a doctor, nor claim to be one. You should ALWAYS talk with your doctor first, before starting anything new.

Andrew is a passionate blogger who loves to write about fashion, health business etc. I shares insights, ideas, and stories to inspire our readers.