How to Improve Your Overall Health With Camel Milk?

Last Updated on August 8, 2022 by Kylie Morrison

Have you got camel milk? Maybe you should. Camel milk has surprising health benefits, like lowering blood sugar and helping the immune system. So before you reach for a glass of cold milk, read on to find out why you might want to switch to camel milk instead. Nowadays, camel milk is the latest and trendy super drink. Don’t know about it yet? You’re missing out because camel milk has many surprising health benefits that almost all of us can use. Nomadic tribes in the Middle East and Africa have been drinking this milk for hundreds of years to get the nutrition they need while traveling through the deserts. It has only recently become popular in the West.

With all the different kinds of milk available, like skim, 2%, whole, A2, and lactose-free cow’s milk, and a wide range of plant-based milk made from nuts, oats, and soy, you may be wondering why you should add camel’s milk to your diet. This article will explain how camel milk is good for your health and how to add it to your diet. Let’s dive in!

Camel Milk Is High in Nutrients

Camel milk is renowned for its high nutritional value and near resemblance to human milk.

The following properties of camel milk are not seen in cow’s milk:

  • Both have the same amount of protein and calories
  • Saturated fat and total fat are reduced.
  • More unsaturated fats for better health
  • Sugar consumption is reduced.
  • Vitamin C and B are needed.
  • Minerals with a higher concentration

Regarding micronutrient concentration and fat and sugar content, camel milk is a better option than cow milk. Camel milk is often well tolerated by persons sensitive to dairy, so this is fantastic news for those who can’t consume cow’s milk for digestive reasons.

Lactose or Milk Allergies Are Easily Tolerated

Additionally, camel milk has a lower concentration of lactose, which is the sugar contained in milk. More than 65% of the world’s population is lactose intolerant.

Camel’s milk is substantially more tolerable for many persons with lactose sensitivity. For those with a cow’s milk allergy, camel milk is a better alternative because of the various proteins present in the two types of milk.

A1 and A2 proteins can be found in cow’s milk. A1 proteins, found in dairy milk, can cause gastrointestinal pain in certain persons, particularly those who have difficulty digesting them. Camel milk may be easier to digest for those who have problems breaking down the A1 protein because it only contains A2.

Managing Blood Sugar With Camel Milk

Those with diabetes may benefit from substituting camel milk for dairy. Diabetic patients may benefit from the use of camel milk as a supplement. Diabetes patients can drop their blood sugar levels (fasting and post-meal) and their A1C levels by drinking camel’s milk.

Camel milk also has anti-diabetic benefits due to its insulin-like protein. According to one study, patients with type 1 diabetes who consumed camel’s milk saw an increase in insulin production. Because of its high zinc content, camel milk has been linked to improved insulin sensitivity.

Camel Milk Is a Powerful Immune Booster

Drinking camel milk is beneficial for boosting our immunity.  Lactoferrin, an antibacterial and antiviral molecule, is found in camel milk. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of lactoferrin are also beneficial in preventing cancer. Camel milk has been used to treat diarrhea for ages. Camel’s milk includes antibodies that assist the body fight off bacterial and viral infections; thus, it’s probably effective for this purpose.

Summing Up

Since the dawn of time, camel milk has been a staple in the diets of some nomadic peoples. In developed countries, it has recently become a popular choice for a nutritious diet. If you can’t find camel milk in your area, you can buy it online in powdered or frozen form.